Desperate for Christmas

I’m not even sure Halloween was officially over yet before I was hearing Christmas Carols in stores… for me, that’s kind of a record-breaking early date for songs about Jesus’ birth.

My first inclination was to be offended - you know, the whole “exploiting Jesus” atti­tude that we Christians often get this time of year. And we’re right, of course. The retailers know that we’re softened up by some of the more sentimental aspects of the holidays and are “ripe for the pickin'" - so to speak. 

I think we need to get over some of this. Retailers ARE desperate for Christmas. In a real way, their businesses DEPEND ON JESUS! How cool is that?!?! Would that we ALL would realize that everything we are, have and do is incomplete and lost without Jesus. 

So, next time you hear “Hark the Herald Angels” singing about costumed superheroes or stuffed turkeys, allow your heart to be convicted of all that we allow to take the place of Jesus in our hearts. And sing along with them in the mall. It will be fun!

New Member Class

We’ve had some scheduling issues this fall (sorry for the late Caller, by the way) and have scheduled the next New Member Class for Sunday, November 18th, from 2-6 pm. If you’re wanting to become a part of our worshipping and serving community here at Trinity Lutheran, we’d love to have you! Please let me know, or note it on the Wel­come Slip Sunday that you’re interested. We have a good group already indicating that they’re interested in joining. We’d love to have you!

Child care for the new member class is available - just let us know if you need it! - and we will serve dinner at the end of the class. It’s a chance to get to know the pastor and a small group of new members who will be connected with you for the rest of your time at Trinity.

Blessings as we go into the Holiday Season,

Pastor Larry