Change of Seasons

Just the word "change" brings anxiety to many people, and sometimes for good reason. Life has its seasons, and, while most of the transitions are in reality quite good, some of the changes we are forced to make are difficult. Some of life's seasonal changes come upon us suddenly, with a force and fierceness that takes our breath away.

Our Trinity is in the midst of coping with such a change, moving for a time to what has been called (keeping with the seasonal metaphor), "a winter of the soul." One of our Day School teachers, Mark Musselman, was mortally injured in a car-pedestrian accident this month. You can perhaps begin to imagine the pain, sorrow and myriad of emotions swarming around within the faculty, staff and students.

"Will there be a funeral for Mr. Musselman? Can we come? What about his daughter? Does she know? And he has a twin brother?" These questions, along with the profound grief that was bubbling up in students who had no real experience in dealing with grief first-hand, prompted us to put together a memorial service for our friend and teacher. This gave me a chance to proclaim a gospel of love, compassion, care and salvation to our students in a way they perhaps had not experienced, and a time when they were particularly in tune to what was being said and experienced.

I was most concerned that these kids, with no protection from the wintry blasts of this sudden change, would be overwhelmed and overtaken by it all. The memorial service was, as they always are, to be a starting point to begin the healing process for them - a focal point for their grief, confusion and pain, from which they could begin to move on in healthy directions.

I was brought to tears by what I saw... kids expressing a true connection with their teacher, dealing with loss and sorrow, expressing true grief and becoming open to hope. Dark, cold winter would not have the final word with them... the warming breezes of spring were already beginning to blow in their lives. Walking through this tragedy with them has been an honor; watching them grow, a joy. Blessed be the memory of Mark Musselman.

Less drastic Seasonal Changes
We hope you are aware of the change in service times as we move into the summer season here at Trinity. "Changing service times? Why? Whose idea was this? There needs to be a lynching!!!" This is what we hear at the beginning of summer. "Change back???? Are you nuts? Why would we do that? It was so nice with everyone there!" is what we hear at the end of the summer.

So... the new service time on Sunday, effective Memorial Day weekend Sunday, May 27th, we will go to a single 9 am service, followed by a coffee/fellowship time and our Sunday School hour. Please join us!!!!!

Pastor Larry