A Family Reunited

Well, sort of… Beginning Sunday, May 28th, we go back to our Summer Worship Schedule of one service at 9 am. This is done for several reasons:

  • Attendance is a bit down during the summer, so consolidating services makes for a fuller, richer worship and singing experience.
  • It’s too hot in our sanctuary on many days of the summer, so having only one service and having it earlier in the day is a good thing.
  • It’s a little difficult to get as many people for choirs and musical groups during summer vacation times.
  • Having one service earlier in the day is cheaper than adding air conditioning in the Sanctuary.
  • People tend to travel more during the summer, so having the service earlier allows people to come to worship and then go on with their day.
  • And did I mention that it gets HOT in the sanctuary as the day goes on?

But the most important good thing about going to one service is that we are basically reuniting two congregations, the 8 and 10:30 service people. Oh, and it’s cooler!

During the summer we will try to incorporate elements of both the traditional and contemporary worship services, so neither group should feel too out of place.

We’d love to have you come to the "Family Reunion Potluck Brunch" on May 28th at 11:30 and enjoy the fellowship and food.

Habitat News: A reminder that Trinity’s second Habitat for Humanity workday is Saturday, June 10th from 8 am to 2 pm. It's a great opportunity to put hands working together with our heart. Please see me if you’re interested in taking part.

Confirmation Sunday: This year our 8th grade kids will be confirmed at the
9 am service on Sunday, June 11th. Please plan on celebrating with the kids as they enter into a new era in their lives as God’s people.

Blessings and Peace!

Pastor Larry