Summer News

Special Adult Forum - Sunday, June l3th

The Church Council has asked that Trinity's delegates to the May, 04, Synodical Assembly host a special Adult Form during the Sunday School hour between services on June 13th, 2004, for the purpose of providing an opportunity to hear a report on issues brought up at the assembly - especially the primary issue being pushed hard by much of the leadership of the denomination: the ordination of openly gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender clergy who are living in "long term, committed relationships."  The vote is coming up in 2005 at the National Assembly, and what we experienced at the assembly was a saturation bombing (my term) to numb any resistance to the subject.  This issue is not going to go away, and we need to talk about our response to what is coming.  We invite you to this important forum and ask that all adult Sunday School classes attend the forum.

Summer Worship Schedule Change

Let's try something different!  With the approval of the Worship Board and the Church council, I'm suggesting that we try going to a Summer Worship Schedule for July and August (actually through Labor Day).  For these two months we will have ONLY ONE SERVICE at 9 am with Sunday School meeting after the service.

"Why?"  I hear you asking... Well, there are some practical reasons and some possible benefits at play here.  Practically speaking, the latest service that our organist David Reeder can play for us is 9 am., and we have a shortage of musicians and singers during several weeks in the summer.  Also (and this is a small thing), it gets HOT in that sanctuary and it might be nice to be out of 
worship before we cook the minister (he's kind of tough anyway).

On the possibilities end of the scale, some have suggested that it might be nice to combine the two services and meet some members that we wouldn't ordinarily see.  Long, lost family members have been reunited this way.  It's a wonderful thing.

I have been resisting this sort of service combining for a while, but as the only pastor here and with limited musical resources, it would make my job so much easier.  I realize that this might inconvenience some, and cause some to make some changes in routine ("CHANGE!!!!????"), but I think it would be good to try.

Confirmation Sunday - June 6th

Here at Trinity we usually have Confirmation Sunday on Pentecost Sunday, but this year Pentecost fell on Memorial Day weekend.  Not good.  So, we're having it at the 2nd service on Trinity Sunday (fitting day), June 6th, at the 10:30 am service.  Being confirmed that day are Carli B., Matthew N., Bryan P., Thomas S., Sergio V., and Katherine W.  We invite you to join us at that service and at the reception following to celebrate this important day in their lives.


Pastor Becker