Summer Rhythms

Summertime at Trinity Lutheran will be different this year, and some of the differences will cause us to make some (gasp!) changes in our schedules and relationships.  It's frightening,... But wait! Let's think about what some of the se changes mean for us.

The majority of the changes revolve around the worship schedule change.  For July and August (through Labor Day, actually), we'll have one service at 9 am. This was my idea (so don't be upset with anyone but me), and it's something I would have normally opposed.  In concept, I don't like cutting back anything - I always want to add, increase, enhance, redevelop, or whatever it takes to keep moving forward and upward, bigger, better, stronger, faster (no, wait, that was the old Six Million Dollar Man TV show).  That's the American Way.

Even with all this playing in my psyche, I wanted to try a change.  Why?  Well, as I look at the staffing on all levels - from pastors to executive staff to musicians to volunteers - we have some issues.  And when you mix summer vacation schedules into the equation, well, some of us were being stretched a bit thin.

Moving to one service can do some interesting things, however.  Several have enthusiastically pointed out that this will give them a chance to meet and get to know people who normally attend the other service.  That's really true!  It is almost like having two different congregations worshipping in the same facility.  Take my word for it: there are great people at BOTH services.  I promise!

We will be doing some "blending" of the two worship services.  This will alter some of the dynamics of the service, and will seem a little different to both 8 am and 10:30 am regulars.  Someone has said that the problem with so-called "blended worship services" is that while there are elements of both traditional and contemporary worship styles in the service, no one is completely happy with the result.  Still, be aware that I will try to use the time to bring out the best in both.

It will be ok...your church leadership and I will look back on the experience in the fall and evaluate it to see if we want to do it again - or not.

Fellowship... Another benefit to the summer schedule is that it affords opportunity to try some different activities.  You'll note that in this Caller, as well as in each Sunday's bulletin, there are many fellowship opportunities, ranging widely from the Summer "Instant Choir" to baseball games to a night at the Hollywood Bowl, from youth activities and classes to beach trips and outings - not to mention the enhanced, expanded fellowship hour after the 9 am worship  service.

So get involved!  Enjoy the activities!  Get to know more Trinity people.  It will be great, I promise!

Summer Blessings!

Pastor Larry