The Rhubarb Was Everywhere!

Last night (July 22nd) we hosted a special gathering here at Trinity.  About 60 of us came to eat pie and finally meet our missionary in Guyana, Pastor Richard Young (whose favorite pie is rhubarb).  Pastor Young mentioned to me that, even though he had given talks at larger churches, this was by far the best attended event, and certainly the most well organized one (thanks to Flo Arnold and the Stewardship Board!).  Once again I was extremely proud of Trinity as you responded with a gracious and welcoming spirit joy and excitement as we
heard about the work that we are involved in so far away.  It is such a joy to work among you!

The evening was just packed... It began with, of course, pie (some of you had three pieces!!!).  Then Rev. Young led a Bible Study on the parable of the Good Samaritan, reminding us of the call to open our hearts to the needs of others. Following that, we saw a slide presentation showing the four churches in the parish community where he works, the local industries, the buildings and some of the people in the churches and community, and his cat (I'm a cat person, too!).  It was so wonderful to actually see the people and places where the work of the gospel is being done in the name of our church.

Pastor Young, who is also an OB/GYN doctor, told us of some of his dreams for improving the availability of health care to the local population.  It is exciting to hear how a Christian responds to God's call to use his gifts and abilities in service to the world.  What a great example!  Along with this exciting vision for medical outreach in Guyana, he invited us to begin to think about how we can support it.  We'll know more about this as the plans solidify in the next few years.

As Pastor Young was sharing his heart's desire and concerns for the people he was called to serve, we could easily see the stark contrast between Guyana and America.  Even with all the grousing we do in this country about HMOs and insurance companies, we can't help but feel blessed in our country when we hear about the situation elsewhere.  Access to ordinary medical resources that  we take for granted in our country's virtually unheard of or not realistically available in Guyana.  The church of Jesus Christ has always felt a call to bring
healing to the world, and this is certainly a wonderful way that we can participate in it.  Our Stewardship Board will keep you informed!

And thanks to all in the congregation who so wonderfully supported our missionary appeal this year.  We exceeded our goals! Again!

Pastor Becker's Vacation

I will be on vacation this summer from August 1st through August 14th.  Please call the church office if you have a pastoral need when I am gone.  We have someone on call during my absence.

Blessings, peace, and many thanks for your support,

Pastor Larry